Friday, March 27, 2020

What To Look Out For In A Grade 12 Math Tutor?

What To Look Out For In A Grade 12 Math Tutor?If you are planning to enroll in a Math tutoring course, then it is important that you find the best Grade 12 Math Tutor for your needs. You have to consider the qualifications of the tutor, his/her teaching and the facilities provided by the school. Here are some things that you should look out for when deciding whether to take a Grade 12 Math Tutor or not.Grade 12 Math Tutors is in a position to teach you various topics related to math. These tutors usually offer the option of practice work, online tutorials and many other types of teaching tools. For example, a Math Tutor may help you decide whether to write your exams through online tests or not. This will depend on whether you choose to enroll in an online course or attend a regular classroom session.When you find a Grade 12 Math Tutor that is good enough for your needs, then you have to choose between online or in-class sessions. If you are fortunate enough to find a tutor who offer s both, then it would be good to enroll in an online program. The main reason for this is because an online program provides you with a lot of time to study. So, it would be a great advantage for you if you do not need to worry about traveling long distances to attend a regular class session.Another important factor to look out for is the facilities offered by the school where you enroll. You must firstly find out if the schools where you enroll offers online programs or regular classrooms. In the case of online programs, you have to pay the fees according to the selected program. Thus, the fees for the regular classes would be less for an online tutor.A tutor has to be able to access the Internet at any time, which means that you have to give him/her the Internet connection so that they can help you with their programs. For the regular classroom sessions, the tutor has to travel to the school campus, where you can view the physical environment and the whole class as well.Moreover, the tuition fees are not necessarily the same for both programs. Therefore, you have to compare all the facts before choosing which is better for you. You may also find out if there are discounts offered to students who enroll in the online classes.In conclusion, when choosing a suitable tutor for your needs, make sure that you get a proper balance between regular classroom sessions and online tutoring. Make sure that the fees are similar between the two types of programs. Finally, when choosing between programs, you have to consider factors such as whether the school offers discounts to students who enroll in online programs.

Friday, March 6, 2020

LSAT Tip of the Week Improve Your Time

LSAT Tip of the Week Improve Your Time LSAT Law School Blog This week, we will focus on how to improve your time on the analytical reasoning (logic games) section of the LSAT. You have probably heard the importance of diagramming, and improving your time ties back to improving your diagramming. If you need a refresher on diagramming, head to The LSAT Trainer for some techniques and check out Magoosh for some common rules that will help you diagram. Now, once you are caught up on the basics of diagramming, let’s bring you up to speed on how to be speedy. The first thing you should do once you have made your basic diagrams is make some inferences. What does this entail? Well, every fact given to you in the question is important so make note of it in your diagram and make it a new potential scenario. So, if the question says that X sits in the first seat and Y must sit next to X, then we know that Y has to sit in the second seat if he has a seat. So, make a note of this. There are usually 2-3 of these so look out for these “hidden” rules a nd make sure you include them in your diagram as the odds are that there will be a question about this “hidden” rule and this will save you 3-4 minutes easily. Imagine all the extra problems you can solve in that time!

Commonly Confused Homophones in English - Advanced English Level

Commonly Confused Homophones in English - Advanced English Level Have you ever looked at some English words that are spelled differently pronounced the same but have different meanings? These can be somewhat confusing for even native speakers so I can imagine them being extremely confusing for those trying to tackle the issues of pronunciation, meaning and the correct spelling.In fact there are over 440 such word pairs where the spelling is different the meaning is certainly different but the pronunciation is exactly the same. These are known as Homophones.Examples of English homophones:MADE/MAIDMade (v) â€" past tense and past participle of the verb ‘TO MAKE’I made up my mind to learn English with a native speaker.Maid (n) a lady’s maid or helpShe really missed the old days when every lady had her personal maid to help her with the housework.BAND/BANNEDBand (n) â€" a group of musicians, a music ensembleHe was a good singer and also played the guitar. What he really wanted to do was join up with a band and make some records.  Banned (v) â€" past tense and past participle of the verb ‘TO BAN’ to stop or preventHe was charged by the police for driving without a proper licence and was banned from driving for three years.EWE/YOUEwe (n) female sheepThe farmer went to the market to buy some new livestock. He bought some cows and some sheep. The sheep were all ewes as he already had a ram (male sheep).You pronounIt is important that you understand the basic mathematical formula if you wish to study it seriously.FLEW/FLUFlew (v) past tense of the verb ‘TO FLY’I went on holidays last week. I visited Thailand and flew there in 8 hours.Flu (n) virus or bug that affects your healthThe school was closed for a week as many children had been taken ill with a flu virus and the management did not want others to become ill also.BOARD/BOREDBoard (n) a group of people who control a company or school or similar organisationThe board of management meet every month to discuss the progress of the business. There is a chairman o f the board who controls all the meetings.Bored (v) â€" past tense and past participle of the verb ‘TO BORE’The film was bad. The story was awful and after twenty minutes I was bored stiff.WAIST/WASTEWaist the area around the middle of your body.The Doctor measured her waist to check her health.Waste rubbish or left over food no longer needed.The food waste was collected and placed in rubbish bins to be collected by the city’s waste collectors.WAVE/WAIVEWave the hand movement we use when saying good-bye to someone OR the part of the sea that surfers ride on when surfing.When she left for her business trip her husband waved goodbye at the train station. The waves on the sea were very high due to the very strong wind.Waive refers to a decision to give up or do without something.The business was not performing very well. The CEO waived his bonus payment to help the companies’ cash flow.WEIGHT/WAITWeight the size of people or things measured usually in Kilos.He was very hea vy the Doctor suggested that he lose some weight very quickly.(to) Wait is a verb that refers to the action when we are expecting something to happen. It can also be used as a noun.When he called to the Dentist he was asked to wait in the waiting room until the dentist was available. The wait (noun) was difficult as he was very nervous.PLANE/PLAINPlane the shortened version of airplane or aeroplane used to travel from country to country.He went to the airport early so that he could book his seat in the middle of the plane.Plain means something blank or without colour or uninteresting.He wanted to write a note and asked for some plain white paper. The food he ordered was plain and did not taste very good but the doctor had ordered him to eat only plain food without sauces.BEAR/BAREBear   refers to the large animal which hibernates during the winter. It can also mean to carry or bring something.The bear is a large animal that has several forms. The polar bear located in the artic z one and the brown bear in many states of the USA.Bare usually refers to something/somebody without any cover or clothes.The model was bare except for the yellow hat that she was modelling!!There are many many more homophones…What homophones do you know? Let us know in the comments below.We recommend to read:  Make or Do? tips to help you make the right choiceWhere do you live?  Making suggestions in English

Thursday, March 5, 2020

7 Signs You Aced Your Job Interview

7 Signs You Aced Your Job Interview via 1. They discuss next steps You can pretty much assume you nailed your job interview if someone starts discussing next steps. Typically this includes paperwork, maybe a drug test, or possibly setting up a follow-up interview. If you sat through an interview in the hot seat and the interviewers are being a bit vague about what you should expect to come next, this doesnt mean youve failed the job interview, it simply means they have more candidates to explore. You can pretty much bank on it being a good sign if any kind of additional steps are discussed. 2. Your interview lasted longer than scheduled A one-hour interview over coffee turned into two and a half? Thats a good sign. It means they liked having a conversation with you and they enjoyed the things you had to say. You intrigued them with your experience and outlook on the job. You came across as interesting, qualified, and intellectually stimulating. If your job interview lasts longer than scheduled, you can take that as a pretty good sign. 3. They ask for your references If the interviewers ask for your references, you can bank on this being a good sign. Usually, the interview team doesnt ask for references unless theyre ready to move forward with your application in the hiring process. Sometimes references are called beforehand, but most likely theyre called after your initial interview. Sometimes its smart to set up a communication plan with your references. If theyre willing to shoot you a quick text when theyve been called, this can settle your nerves after a tough job interview. You know youve done well when the team is calling your references. via 4. If they introduce you to more people than just the interview team Sometimes during job interviews, the team will introduce you to other people around the office. This is usually initiated by an invitation to tour the facility. Assuming that the workplace isnt under strict security, you might have the chance to meet some of your potential coworkers. If youre given a tour and introduced to other people besides just the interview team, its likely that youre being seriously considered for the job. 5. They used the phrase when we see you again Whether its a follow-up interview (see #6) or a scheduled meeting to fill out new-hire paperwork, if the interview team uses the phrase when we see you again or looking forward to seeing you again, then you know youve nailed the interview (well, the first round at least!). Referring to a future meeting time means theyre interested in having more conversation with you. Whether or not theyre ready for you to sign on the dotted line yet doesnt matter. If youve made it through the initial interview and theyre dropping hints about seeing you again, you can rest assured that youve made a pretty killer impression. 6. They schedule a follow-up interview As you get closer to establishing your career (and not just interviewing for hourly jobs that will barely pay the rent), follow-up interviews will become more and more routine. One interview might not give your potential employer all the information they need about you before they make a final decision. If youve been contacted about scheduling a follow-up interview, or if they actually schedule this follow-up during your initial interview, your nerves should instantly be calmed. They wouldnt be willing to meet with you again if you werent in the pool of seriously considering candidates. 7. The introduction included praising your resume/skillset/application If the beginning of your job interview begins with how excited they are to meet you, how much they enjoyed reviewing your materials, and how excited they are to get started, youre off on the right foot. Rest assured that youre already killing the job interview if theyre blown away by your experience. Interviewing for a new job can be one of the most intimidating life experiences especially as you begin to establish your career. Sitting in the hot seat for an hour (or more!) can be nerve-wracking and cause you to sweat through multiple layers of clothing. Its intimidating to walk into a room full of people who want to judge your qualifications against a job description. Following a job interview, it can be nerve-wracking to wait for a callback. So instead of sitting on your hands to keep from checking your email every ten minutes, examine your job interview experience against these seven signs you completely aced the interview altogether.

Great Start of the School Year 2015

Great Start of the School Year 2015 TutorZ wishes for you in 2015. A great start of the school year for January, insight and knowledge for February, the gift of joy of learning in March, no worries for April, acing the finals in May, sunshine for June to August, the most glorious back-to-school season ?for September to December. Have a lucky and wonderful 2015.

How To Become A Better Reader

How To Become A Better Reader Working on becoming a better reader has a multitude of benefits beyond English and English Literature GCSE and A-Levels ( Stronger readers are more focused about how they read, which gives them access to a wealth of skills and benefits everything from comprehension to revision, and exam preparation. Step one: read every day The easiest way to become a better reader is to ensure you read every day. Not books you have been asked to read in school, but newspapers, books you love and even online articles.This will have multiple benefits as the more you read, the better your ability to retain information. Plus regular reading will also improve the speed at which you read, your critical thinking skills, and even your spoken English (something that will help for the GCSE spoken-language component). Step two: choose more challenging reads Challenging means moving out of your reading comfort zone. Try different genres, different writing styles, fiction, non-fiction, poetry and different authors. Or read a classic novel as opposed to a modern one. Regularly reading a variety of texts will not only improve your vocabulary but also help you to understand different literary techniques and methods that you can then use in your own writing. Step three: don't multitask and read There is a difference between deep-reading versus skimming. When you're paying attention to one thing you are more involved in it and more parts of your brain will be engaged. This type of activity means you'll have a better chance of retaining what you're reading. Watching TV or looking at your phone while you read means you only take in half of what you are reading. Step four: improve your comprehension Working on your comprehension of texts is a vital way to help yourself become a better reader. Not only does this help you to think about what you have read, but also helps you to analyse ideas in a deeper and more critical way. Which in turn helps you to make connections between the ideas you read about. To help talk to friends about what you are reading, join a book club or an online discussion site, it will help you to get different perspectives on what you read and what you could be reading next. Step five: read with a purpose Knowing what you want to get out of a text will give you context and focus as you read. For instance, not all reading needs to be what's known as close reading where you make connections. Reading for pleasure is just as beneficial as academic reading, what's important here is to make reading a part of your daily life, so it becomes second nature. Step six: change your reading speed depending on the text It pays to know when to vary your reading speed. You should decrease how fast you read when you come across complex ideas so your brain can make sense of the ideas as you are reading. The same goes for when you are revising. For retention and memory, you need repetition and time. On the other hand, you can speed up when skim reading is sufficient and you only need to take in the core ideas and not irrelevant details or description. Being flexible about this can help develop your reading skills for study and pleasure. Contact us for English, English Literature and reading tutors (

How to Learn Languages Your Own Way in 4 Decisive Steps

How to Learn Languages Your Own Way in 4 Decisive Steps How to Learn Languages Your Own Way in 4 Decisive Steps Let me guess.Youre ready to embark on a scenic language learning journey, and youre seeking guidance online.The internet is full of one-size-fits-all strategies for language learners.Lets just say there are two types of blog posts floating around the web giving you language learning advice: the right ones and the wrong ones.The wrong ones are the ones you know are wrong before you ever click on them.They have titles like How to Get Fluent in Just Three Hours! and are the linguistic equivalent of fat-loss pills and miracle foods.The right ones are normally well-researched articles that hone in on one aspect: the trick, the hack, the secret  that the author thinks is important.But even those are normally riddled with generalizations that dont take into account individual differences in language learning.So you could read every single one of those good ones, the ones that share with you some narrow slice of the truth.Or you could learn the whole truth and nothing but the truth, the unde rlying linguistic truth.In the last several decades, linguists and neurologists have worked with sociologists and psychologists and educationalists and everything in between, and the anticlimactic truth is that the puzzle is already pieced together. We already know a lot about how we learn languages, and a surprising majority of it is pretty straightforward.So instead of reading up on the next superfood, lets tackle how you actually learn languages by looking at whats known about how language functions, what happens in the brain when we learn a language, and the sociology and practicals of how a new language actually looks in your life.There are four steps here, and theyll look different for every learner, but what your brain is doing behind the scenes is the same for everyone.So lets pack up, consider the path ahead and get you headed in the right direction! How to Learn Languages Your Own Way in 4 Decisive StepsStep 1: Learn a Little About LanguageYou only have to follow this st ep if  you want to skip endless rote memorization, frustrated facepalming, moments of utter hopeless confusion and having to start from scratch every time you learn a new language.So if you like struggling, skip on down to Step 2.If you dont, take a minute to zoom out and ask the big question: What is language?You might answer that its the thing we use to socialize every day, the thing youre reading, the thing Im writing and the way were engaging in this exchange of ideas right now. But thats what language does, not what it is.Well get to why this is important in Step 2. For now, heres your first big piece of learning advice: Stop thinking about language as one big monolithic thing. Forget about the forest for a second, and lets look at the trees.All languages are made up of five systems:Phonology (speech sounds): The most basic component of language is the way we push air through our mouths and noses to make sounds that have meaning. Phonology studies all the sounds of a given lang uage, how theyre pronounced  and how we use them.Morphology (words and word parts): The morphology (from Latin morpho,  meaning shape or form) refers to words and their parts, like prefixes and suffixes. English morphemes would include words like book and run, but also particles like -ly or un- that arent standalone words even though they have meaning.Syntax (word order and sentence structure): Syntax refers to the underlying rules and logical patterns that generate that magical formula that determines the exact sequences words must be arranged in to make sense.Semantics (meanings of sounds, words and phrases): When we talk about heads of state or heading up a committee, we know its not about actual literal human heads, but rather some other extension of the semantic properties of head.  Semantics is the relationship between the sounds, word parts and phrases we use, and the meanings theyre meant to point our minds to.Pragmatics (social and situational context): In language and mean ing, context is key. Pragmatics is the system of language that tells us without thinking whether someone is talking about a flower from a garden or flour for baking, and the system that directs us to choose between phrases like excuse me, I need to use the restroom and hang on a sec, I gotta run to the john. Its like semantics in context, and theres a lot of overlap between the two.The reason looking at language like this is so powerful is that it enables you to take something impossibly large, unknowable and unwieldyâ€"languageâ€"and break it down into parts that you can begin to wrap your head around.Do you still understand nothing in your French class, even after two semesters? That doesnt mean youre bad at languages, but it might mean that phonologyâ€"being able to hear and recognize the sounds of the languageâ€"is challenging for you. And thats golden, because you cant fix the imaginary problem of being bad at languages, but there are a thousand ways to wake up the parts of you r brain that distinguish between speech sounds.When I started learning Spanish, I used to feel like Id never understand reflexive constructions with indirect objects, sentences like Se le dijo que le tocó mudarse  (he/she was told that he/she needed to move).For me, this problem was morphological and syntactical: I didnt understand how the parts of a verb like decirse  (the main verb of this sentence, which, thanks to Spanish morphology, doesnt even appear in this sentence) were broken apart when conjugated, and my confusion with the word order meant I never knew what was happening to the le and which word was acting on it.My English brain looks for a subject to be followed by a verb and then nicely tied up in an object (they told him to sign up) but Spanish has a different logic that was totally foreign to me. Pinpointing that problem and learning that foreign logic was the thing that saved me from hours of frustrated studying spent on all the wrong things.If you can dedicate just one day to learning about language itself, itll pay off throughout your language learning career. As you pick a language and start to expose yourself to it, remember to also understand it in terms of these five systems: What are the sounds like? Are there word parts that I see occurring in many different contexts? Do native speakers find this a ridiculous word to use here, and if so what is an appropriate synonym and why?Step 2: Embrace Your Strongest Learning StylesThats no typo: Youll need to engage  your strongest  learning styles, plural, to learn a language.If you think of yourself as simply a visual or hands-on learner, someone who needs to read it to understand it, or someone who lacks some nonexistent thing called book smarts, youre selling yourself way too short. And thatll get in the way of your language learning.There are many well-known frameworks and tests out there for determining your learning style, from the VARK to the Myers-Briggs personality test. They can provid e some valuable insights, but they also encourage you to think in absolutes and either-ors.Thats a shame, because we all have multiple intellectual strengths.My favorite framework for showing that is the theory of multiple intelligences, which holds that theres not just one general intelligence that everyone has to different extents, but rather a number of specific intelligences that we all have to different degrees and in various assortments throughout our lives.Here are the core intelligences as they relate to language learning.Musical-rhythmic intelligence: Also known as aural intelligence, this sensitivity to sound and rhythm is golden for language learning. Learners with strong musical-rhythmic intelligence might pick up new speech sounds easily, or might feel like they can hear a mental sound clip of the words or sounds theyre focused on.These learners benefit from putting anything to music or rhythm: Watching music videos or listening to podcasts can give musically intelligen t learners better grasp of things like the stops between words and phrases, and where native speakers emphasize different words and sounds in their speech.Visual-spatial intelligence: This intelligence understands the world like a series of pictures and images. Reading the words written down and seeing them in your mind might help you to understand them. Visually intelligent language learners do well with anything that gives them an image of a word or phrase, from video clips that show people talking about objects or acting out verbs, to making their own charts and visual dictionaries.Verbal-linguistic intelligence: High linguistic intelligence doesnt necessarily make you a better language learner than others, but rather implies that you understand the world largely through words. Verbal problem solving and the relationships between word parts might come easier for those with strong verbal-linguistic intelligence.Verbally intelligent learners  may consider focusing on how their unde rstanding of words can be used in conjunction with other intelligences for language learning in the form of language  games and engaging with the written and spoken word in various ways.Logical-mathematical intelligence: Strong logical-mathematical intelligence might incline you to naturally understand the cause-and-effect relationships that are so important to language, and may signal that youre fond of breaking linguistic ideas down into concrete parts, like verb conjugations and sentence diagrams.Logically intelligent learners should struggle to understand  why  one verb form has an e on the end and another doesnt, and generalize that information into rules about the language. Rote memorization without learning why  is the logical learners bane.Bodily-kinesthetic intelligence: Learners with high bodily-kinesthetic intelligence rely on their bodies for learning. They may learn well by acting out scenarios or playing a sport they already know in their target language. Kinesthetical ly intelligent language learners do best when moving and working with their hands, such as building or assembling something from directions in the target language.Interpersonal intelligence: Interpersonal or social intelligence is learning through group relationships and interactions with other people. Learners with this type of intelligence may find back-and-forth conversation both in and about their target language to be most stimulating, and may have an easy time picking up on things like social register or level of formality and body language.Interpersonal learners may be naturally talented at recognizing implicit meanings and connotations, and may learn better from working to understand one-on-one conversation than reading a book.Intrapersonal intelligence: Intrapersonal intelligence means knowing thyself, and generally entails a lot of quiet reflection and active processing. Learners with high intrapersonal intelligence may find themselves silently reviewing a conversation the yve just had and learning from their mistakes, and may have an easier time than others in identifying when and why they make particular kinds of mistakes. Intrapersonally intelligent learners might consider trying to silently think about their target language  in  the language itself.If you need help identifying your strongest intelligences for language learning, try an online quiz to point you in the right direction. Just remember not to focus on your one or two strongest learning styles or intelligence types to the exclusion of all others: Try to gain an understanding of how you learn best in different situations, and apply those different strategies to different kinds of learning tasks.Step 3: Understand Your MotivationSo youve got your Linguistics 101 down, and youve reflected on the different ways you learn. Theres one more critical step before you crack a book or register for a class, and thats answering the big question: Why?If you need to learn Chinese for the boardroom and conference calls, do you think a Skype exchange with a 20-year-old student in Shanghai will give you the requisite skills? Similarly, if your goal is to move abroad and make friends and build a social life in a foreign language, a grammar-intensive semester at your local community college wont do the trick.So why do you want to learn your language? Is it for business? Pleasure? Both? Neither? Are you still looking for the right language learning motivation?If you answer this question with for my career or for travel, dig deeper and strive to frame your answer in a way that lines up with the linguistic systems and learning styles we mentioned above.So if you want to learn Arabic for business, for what about business? If its just to write a line on your resumé that says you speak Arabic, well thats easy enough, but it misses the point. Will you need to read or write reports? What about giving presentations or attending conferences? Will smooth schmoozing skills open up new opportunit ies?Key in on the verb phrases hereâ€"read, write, give presentations, schmoozeâ€"and think about how they relate to learning styles and the systems of language. Then fasten your seatbelt and prepare for takeoff.Step 4: Pick an ApproachBy now youre probably wondering if all of this means that you should take a class or get private tutoring or do it all on your own or what. Well, the answer, as you might guess, is that theres no one-size-fits-all answer.The answer is based on your understanding of language and your insights into your own learning style and motivation for learning a language, as well as your life circumstances in the moment when you begin to learn a language.Whatever your strategy looks like, itll probably include some of these elements:The classroom. Its popular to hate on brick-and-mortar classrooms as outdated for language learners, but many benefit from group participation and asking questions face-to-face. Courses are typically more affordable than private lesson s, and they offer the kind of structure many of us need.Private tutoring. Usually more expensive than a class at your local learning center or language school, private tutoring is also more personalized, and allows you to build a relationship  with an expert and target the areas you need most help with. Take care in finding the right language tutor and build rapport over time.WyzAnt is the perfect place for finding a tutor for in-person lessons. You can browse tutors and see their rates along with ratings that have been given by other learners. If youre interested primarily in finding an online tutor, head over to Verbling. You can search tutors from all over the world and set up sessions right on the site!Online courses and tools. Thanks to the internet, you can now have a regular Skype class without leaving your living room or office. Digital tools also offer flexibility for busy people and those not ready for a daily or weekly commitment. You can browse  online language courses o r get started with some of  the best language learning apps.Self-study. Teaching yourself a language offers the most flexibility but the least guidance. For many, relying on language learning blogs, YouTube and good old-fashioned books is the way to go.A combination of these approaches. For most learners, mixing and matching these approaches is just right, and FluentU is a great resource for accomplishing this.  FluentU takes real-world videosâ€"like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talksâ€"and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.With the wealth of options available today, it would seem almost silly to limit yourself to one approach or another. What follows are a couple examples of how you can mix and match language learning approaches to meet your needs.Example 1: Shoestring Student BudgetYoure a young, broke college student with a zero dollar language learning budget, just like I was when I started learning languages, and you want to learn a lang uage or two to prep for your post-graduation backpacking trip.Youve never learned a language before, so youre not quite sure which systems of language trip you up, but your spelling in English or your mother language is not the best, and you have no idea what the past participle form of anything is.However, youre known for your spot-on impressions of regional accents in your country, which makes you think phonology and speech sounds might be your strong point. From there and based on the fact that you can remember anything in the world if its put to music, you might deduce that your musical-rhythmic intelligence is one of your best assets. Youre also one who likes to sit quietly and reflect (which by no means says that youre unsociable), so intrapersonal intelligence might be another helpful tool on your language learning journey.Since your ear is clearly leading the way, what with your strong musical-rhythmic intelligence and your talent for accents, let it also lead you into a new language. You might start out with a mix of music and talk radio in your target language, to get your brains feet wet, or you could try learning a language through music. While you build up your vocabulary with online tools and apps like games and flashcards, try to make connections to the words youre hearing on the radio and TV. Since your motivation is making new friends in different parts of the world, you might start out with some online tools and communities that connect you to Skype exchanges with native speakers.Example 2:  The Busy Business TravelerYou work for a firm that requires a lot of travel to Japan, and youre on the hunt for a raise. Youve got a budget to spend on language learning, but of course hardly any time for it.You reflect on your college language classes and remember feeling ridiculous for never figuring out how to roll your rs or make any of those strange vowel sounds, but that identifying word endings and being able to understand how different forms of th e same verb were all related was easier, which gives you a clue that morphology comes pretty easy for you.Thats probably because of your strong logical-mathematical intelligence that makes identifying patterns and correlations a cinch and takes all the challenge out of Sudoku puzzles. But your visual-spatial intelligence may deserve equal credit for that, since sometimes you find yourself visualizing a word in your head or needing to see it written down to understand it better.Play to your strengths and your schedule constraints by downloading the best puzzle and game apps to stimulate the logical part of your brain while learning new vocabulary. Between your sessions with the FluentU app for iOS  or Android during your morning and afternoon commutes, you can pencil in a private tutor several days a week, since theyll normally be able to be flexible in when they meet with you.Neither of these example approaches are meant to be exhaustive strategies, but rather beginning steps one mi ght take to start learning a language. The point is that it should be an inductive process: Start by looking at yourself and your strengths, weaknesses and goals, rather than letting the language or the way your friend learned Spanish dictate that for you.Language Learning Is for LifeOne of the most important rules of language learning is that youre never finished with it.As far as the internal wiring of our brains is concerned, we all learn languages the same. The differences come with the individual language learner: Even though its all based on the same principles, one persons wonder solution can be totally useless for the next.Thats why you should never let anyone tell you about the best way to learn languages.How we learn languages is by understanding languages, understanding how we learn, and understanding who we are and what we want.